Subject of the conference
The intercultural turn, which began at the end of the 1970s, led to a shift in the focus of research in the field of translation and interpreting studies. Translation was no longer a concept dominated by linguistic concerns such as equivalence; it switched its focus to translational and translatorial action across cultures. Although at first glance these developments (known as the cultural turn in Translation Studies and translational turn in the humanities and social sciences) show similarities, and would lead us to believe that there is a clear connection between Translation Studies and other disciplines, the gap has not yet been bridged. The aim of this conference is to outline the aspects which are essential to developing such a connection. Since the early 1980s, Translation Studies have been moving towards interdisciplinarity; however, they have focused particularly on the fields most relevant to research on the complexities behind cross-cultural translational action.
Lecture by Hans J. Vermeer
Sounding Out the Borders of Translation (Die Grenzen der Translation ausloten) in German
Conference programme:
Translation as the Key to Interdisciplinarity (Translation
als Schlüsselbegriff der Interdisziplinarität) in German
Audio file of lecture in German
Lectures given by Hans J. Vermeer within the scope of the Research Seminar
For a more detailed description of the seminar, go to:
- 1995: Language or Culture? (Sprache oder Kultur? Published in: Salevsky, Heidemarie (ed.), Dolmetscher- und Übersetzerausbildung gestern, heute und morgen [Training Interpreters and Translators Then, Now and Tomorrow]. Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Berne/New York/Paris/Vienna: Lang, 1996.) in German
- 2004: To Abolish or Not to Abolish Translation (Die Aufhebung der Translation. Published in: Salevsky, Heidemarie (ed.) Kultur, Interpretation, Translation [Culture, Interpreting, Translation]. Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Berne/Brussels/New York/Oxford/Vienna: Lang, 2005.) in German
Further lectures given by Hans J. Vermeer
- A Brief Outline of Scenes and Frames Semantics for Translators (Eine kurze Skizze der scenes-&-frames-Semantik für Translatoren. Published in: Salevsky, Heidemarie (ed.) Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen der Sprachmittlung [The Fundamentals of Interlingual Communication]. Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Berne/New York/Paris/Vienna: Lang, 1992.) in German
- Playing with Signs (Zeichenspiele. Published in: Müller, Ina (ed.) Und sie bewegt sich doch…Translationswissenschaft in Ost und West [There Has Indeed Been Some Progress Made...Translation Studies in Western and Eastern Cultures]. Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Berne/Brussels/New York/Oxford/Vienna: Lang 2004.) in German